Welcome to our first web exhibit! Entitled "A Mississippi Portrait," these forty-four photographs were taken during the 1930s in Vicksburg and Warren County, Mississippi, by Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, and Marion Post Wolcott as part of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) project.

The exhibit is the product of a special relationship between our organization and the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi. They have produced a CD-ROM containing 1,200 FSA images taken in Mississippi. The CD-ROM has been created for use in Mississippi school rooms, but it will be of interest to the general public as well. For more information on the CD-ROM, visit www.southfilm.com or call (800) 390-3527.

We would like to thank Dan Sherman for designing this exhibit. Dan volunteered his time and talent for this project, and we greatly appreciate his good work.

We hope that you enjoy the exhibit.

Ted J. Smith
Executive Director
Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation