MS Race Timing & Management Recommendations for
Race Day
Participant Expectations
Do not participate if you are feeling sick or ill, have
fever or have been in contact with someone with COVID-19.
Persons from high risk groups for COVID-19 should
consult a physician before participating.
Do not engage in traditional forms of physical contact
(handshakes, high-fives, hugs).
Always maintain social distancing.
Do not spit or clear nose in public.
Wear face masks before and after race.
Encourage the carrying of personal hydration bottles to
reduce number of water stops on course.
Pre-race Preparations
No race day registration.
Be aware of the number of participants and volunteers
to follow local guidelines for group gatherings.
Limit size of event to be in compliance with local
guidelines if necessary.
Start of Race
Start race in groups (waves), allowing participants to
maintain a 6-foot distance on sides and front to back.
Start in corrals of 9-12 participants depending on
pace. Maintain rows of 3 participants 3 to 4 deep. Start each corral every
30 seconds. Create two corrals at start to allow consecutive waves of
participants to move into place once first wave of participants start. See
Exhibit A Recommended Starting Line-Up.
Race will be chipped timed from beginning to end,
allowing participants to run at their own pace while having an accurate race
Groups will depart from fastest to the slowest with
walkers starting last.
Participants will be discouraged from running or
walking in groups.
Participants will be encouraged to maintain social
distancing at all times.
Water Stops
Participants will be encouraged to self-carry hydration
Volunteers working water stations will wear gloves and
face masks at all times,
Place water on tables to allow participants to pick up
own water. Spread cups out for easy pick-up.
A separate group of volunteers will oversee picking up
discarded cups. Gloves and masks should always be worn. Workers picking up
discarded cups will not be allowed to pass out water or fill cups.
Post Race
Once participants cross the finish line, they will move
off of course.
Participants will be encouraged to put face covering
back on.
Participants will be asked to refrain from physical
contact with fellow participants and volunteers.
Participants should be offered individually wrapped
Post-race hydration will be served on tables for
individual pick-up.
Awards will be given immediately after race. Medals
will be handed to participants and not put around necks.