36th Annual

Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. CST
Online Registration.
Facebook event page.
Press release.
Run-Walk Trifold Entry Form.
Sponsor Application Form

The 5-mile “Over the River Run” starts at the Old Mississippi River Bridge located at I-20 and Washington Street,
crosses the Old Mississippi River Bridge, and ends back at Vicksburg.

8:00 a.m. CST for 5-Mile Run and 5-Mile Walk
        (No headphones, rollerblades, bicycles or animals allowed on the course)!

$30  Individual Fee
(through September 15th)

$35  Individual LATE Fee
(after September 15th)

$40 RACE DAY Fee

$15 1-Mile Fun Run Fee
(through September 15th)

$20 1-Mile Fun Run LATE Fee
(after September 15th)

$125 Family Pre-Race
(pre-registered only, limit 5 immediate family members
living at the same address)
(after September 15, fee is $150)

$25 Spirit Runner
(includes T-shirt only)

 Register early to receive your OVER THE RIVER RUN T-SHIRT!

Packet pickup will be Friday, October 11th at the SCHF Auditorium
(corner of Crawford and Cherry Streets) from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and also prior to the race at race site.


Complimentary musical entertainment, fun and refreshments for all runners, walkers and volunteers
 will follow the race in the Ameristar Delta Point parking lot.


Sponsor Application Form



1302 Adams Street
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Phone: 601-631-2997
Fax: 601-631-3734
E-mail: info@southernculture.org

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