The Warren Central High School Madrigal Singe Feaste
will be Dec. 1-3 at 7 p.m. at the Southern Cultural Heritage Complex, 1302
Adams St. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased by calling 601-631-2916.
Twenty-two Warren Central High School Madrigal singers will
present the Singe Feaste. With Christmas music, the tradition of the
Madrigal Singe Feaste goes back to Rennaissance times when the king
and his lords feasted in honor of the Holiday. Johnny Gibson will play the
king and Roxy Ditto will portray the queen. Since last year's feaste was
sold out both nights, it will be held for three nights this year.
The Warren Central High School Madrigal Singe Feaste
was featured in an article in
The Vicksburg Post (Adobe Reader, 101 KB).